Selected readings on the war in Ukraine

Just as I compiled some critical resources on the “Rojava”/AANES situation, I will here include some good readings on the situation in Ukraine. Obviously not implying 100% agreement (there’s indeed some stuff I’d be critical about in some of those), but interesting/useful viewpoints. In both cases, some journalists, centrists/liberals, and a part of leftists/anarchists themselves have painted a reductionist picture of an homogenized ‘Western left’, and ‘Western communists/anarchists’ have been blamed as hypocritical useful idiots that supposedly support Putin’s imperialism (or in the case of Rojava, as Erdogan/”Islamist” shills for having any criticism). Of course, it’s undeniable that this exists (most prevalent among ‘tankies’), but obviously it’s not as homogeneous or simple as that. In a framing reminiscent of various moments in the history of leftist movements last century – including the two world wars (esp. the first) -, radicals are either “for/with” the state/military that’s being invaded or attacked, or they’re “for/with” the invaders. Obviously this is incredibly dumb, but this is a sign of how modern political rationalism functions: there can not be any meaningful agency outside of and against the states, armies, police, nationalism, and military/geopolitical warfare.

The perspectives/discussions compiled here largely do not cover the atrocious things done by the Russian forces, nor the specific evolution of the situation in terms of warfare. The goal/criterion here is have resources for critical – and radical – analysis. Needless to say: fuck Putin and his genocidal imperialism, all these discussions already acknowledge this barbarism! This obviously means that no campist/authoritarian support for and/or denialism/apologetics favoring Putin is tolerable, whether by leftists, fascists, or whomever. But unlike what many liberals, centrists and leftists try to forbid, the conversation cannot end here.



