Category: Critical Sociology

  • Marx’s Conception of the Proletariat

    Marx’s Conception of the Proletariat

    Originally written: 15.09.2020. Hello everyone, this is part one of a project I have been working on, attempting to understand “how” and “what” Marx thought about class, with the eventual goal of revisiting the class-based analytical categories of materialist theory. The origin of the term “Proletariat” goes back to Ancient Rome (around the sixth century…

  • Marx’s Conception of the Ruling Class (1/2): The Bourgeoisie

    Marx’s Conception of the Ruling Class (1/2): The Bourgeoisie

    Originally written: 04.01.2021. For Marx, the ruling class of a given society – in a specific historical context and/or mode of production – is that minority social group which owns the means of social (re)production. This predominant social position also enables them to dominate the ideological-cultural and state-political realms. According to Stefano Petrucciani [1], these…

  • (Inter)Nationalism, National Liberation & The Global Border/Nation-State Regime

    (Inter)Nationalism, National Liberation & The Global Border/Nation-State Regime

    Initially written: 23.11.2021 (last modification: 17.10.2023) In this post, I want to address a series of interrelated and overlapping topics that are a crucial part of the modern world system. On the one hand, the global border regime is one brutal aspect of the general(ized) system of nation-states – that is, of modern states in…