Category: Overviews/Resources/Notes

  • List of Critical Readings

    List of Critical Readings

    Here’s an ongoing list of critical/radical readings that have influenced me and that I want to keep as important references/resources! Some of those are also ones that I plan to read but I already know are crucial. Chuǎng: China FAQ Issue #1 (2016), esp. Sorghum & Steel: The Socialist Developmental Regime and the Forging of…

  • Sociology & Liberation: Children, Adult Domination & Incest

    Sociology & Liberation: Children, Adult Domination & Incest

    Initial date (it’s an ongoing list/resource): 27.08.2022. In a way that is only paralleled by things like violence against disabled folks, the brutalization and dehumanization of children in modern society is one of the most overlooked forms of social domination and hierarchy, including in radical (left/anarchist/etc) circles. Moreover, it’s possibly the foremost type of oppression…

  • Selected readings on the war in Ukraine

    Just as I compiled some critical resources on the “Rojava”/AANES situation, I will here include some good readings on the situation in Ukraine. Obviously not implying 100% agreement (there’s indeed some stuff I’d be critical about in some of those), but interesting/useful viewpoints. In both cases, some journalists, centrists/liberals, and a part of leftists/anarchists themselves…

  • Best Resources for Understanding The Capitalist System

    Best Resources for Understanding The Capitalist System

    Karl Marx wrote in 1848: Modern bourgeois society with its relations of production, of exchange, and of property, a society that has conjured up such gigantic means of production and of exchange, is like the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by…

  • Critical Notes & Sources on Rojava/AANES

    Critical Notes & Sources on Rojava/AANES

    Date: 02.02.2022. This will be an ongoing page/note where I put sources and some notes for a critical – but fair, not disingenuous or condescending – discussion and appraisal of the Rojava/AANES (Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria) movement/system/revolution. Like most (probably all) the authors I mention here, I definitely have some genuine sympathy…

  • Antisemitism: Overview & Resources

    Originally written: 14.08.2021. One of the most enduring forms of hatred and violence in the world is Antisemitism, despite the fact that the worst historical events associated with it – especially the Holocaust, as well as the earlier pogroms in countries such as Russia – are “in the past”. Today Jews remain the targets of…